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Health-Consciousness, Food Marketing & How Chipotle is Shaping Up For Millennials

Photo Credit: Chiptole Website

Chipotle, the long-time Millennial favorite, has done it again. And again. And again. The beloved Mexican chain recently announced that it will start delivering (yes, I said delivering) the delicious burritos and bowls that you would otherwise have to wait on a line that probably extends around the circumference of the restaurant for. This was enough to bring us instant-gratification loving Millennials to our knees. Then, Chipotle outdid itself for the foodie generation of America.

This week, Chipotle announced that it has removed all genetically modified organism ingredients from the food it serves in its restaurants (Forbes). The change was the result of Chipotle’s pledge in 2013 to become completely GMO free. Chipotle CEO told the New York Times that the move is “another step toward the visions we have of changing the way people think about and eat fast food.” However, it also seems to be a clear attempt to win over Millennials (like they haven’t already…). The campaign to share the news is reaching beyond traditional media to social media as the brand shared the news on its Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter. But using social media isn’t the only way that this will help Chipotle solidify Millennials’ coveted patronage. So why is this such a smart move on Chipotle’s part?

It’s Health Conscious. Millennials love food. But what do they love even more? Food that’s fresh, natural and fits into a healthy lifestyle. And they actually care about what goes into what they eat. According to a study called Adult Millennials and Health, 95% of Millennials said that health is paramount. Millennials are even willing to spend more on healthy products. A report conducted by the Nielsen Global Health and Wellness survey, 32% of Millennials would be willing to spend more money for healthier products compared to 26% of Generation X’ers, 21% of Baby Boomers and 16% of the Silent Generation. Millennials have long considered Chipotle to be one of the healthier “fast food,” so this will only serve to boost this status among Millennials.

It’s Ahead of the Pack. Millennials like to lead and see themselves as future leaders of the world. So it’s not that shocking that they want their brands to be leaders too. According to an article by the Center for Brand Leadership at Columbia Business School, Millennials like the brands that try to better themselves and make the world a better place. They want to “actively contribute to a brand with a strong purpose as opposed to the company’s bottom line.” In 2013, Chipotle was the first restaurant chain to indicate the food items on its menu that contain GMOs. Grocery and restaurant chains are following suit. As they should.

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